I received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, and am now Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, where I've been since 1974.
I've published close to 600 technical papers and authored or co-authored 14 books, including the following more recent ones:
Explainable Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Systems, Third Ed. (Springer 2024)
Uncertain Rule-based Fuzzy Systems: Introduction and New Directions, Second Ed. (Springer 2017)
Perceptual Computing: Aiding People in Making Subjective Judgments (Wiley & IEEE Press, 2010)
Introduction to Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control: Theory and Application (Wiley & IEEE Press, 2014)
I'm a Life Fellow of the IEEE, a Distinguished Member of the IEEE Control Systems Society, and a Fellow of the International Fuzzy Systems Association
I was the President of the IEEE Control Systems Society in 1986, a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society for nine years, and Chairman of its Fuzzy Systems Technical Committee and the Computing With Words Task Force of that TC
Among my awards are:
1983 Best Transactions Paper Award of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
1992 IEEE Signal Processing Society Paper Award
2002 and 2014 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsOutstanding Paper Awards
1984 IEEE Centennial Medal
IEEE Third Millenium Medal
Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award (2008) from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society for “fundamental theoretical contributions and seminal results in fuzzy systems”
2015 USC Viterbi School of Engineering Senior Research Award
2021 IEEE Lotfi A. Zadeh Pioneer Award (maintained by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society)for "developing and promoting Type-2 fuzzy logic"
My present research interests include: type-2 fuzzy systems, computing with words and XAI for rule-based systems